App info:This application provides a collection of third party libraries, as a developer this application is essential for you.You will have information about the author, captures, license, description, links of the library and you can try a working example within the application.Recently it has added a tab ... Read More >
From this application we want to thank all the developers who publish their libraries for the benefit of others.
We hope that developers might find it useful.
Libraries included:
* "Done and Discard" by Roman Nurik
* "ActionBarSherlock" by Jake Wharton
* "ListViewAnimations" by nhaarman
* "FlipImageView" by Antoine Merle
* "PropertyAnimation" by wminiboy
* "ChartView" by nadavfima
* "QuickReturn Listview" by Lars Werkman
* "Scrolling Tricks" by Roman Nurik
* "IndexableListView" by Daniel Nam
* "DragSortListView" by Carl A. Bauer
* "CustomFastScrollView" by Nolan Lawson
* "RibbonMenu" by David Scott
* "ArcMenu" frombydaCapricorn
* "Radial Menu Widget" by Arindam Nath
* "MenuDrawer" by Gökhan Akkurt
* "SimpleSideDrawer" by adamrocker
* "Android-fb-like-slideout-navigation" by Alex Korovyansky
* "ActionsContentView" by Steven Rudenko
* "NewPopupMenu" frombyu1aryz
* "UndoBar" by Liao Kai
* "PopupDemo" by Nolan Lawson
* "Popup Custom" by unparallellogical
* "PopupwindowDemo" by MichaelYe
* "NewQuickAction" by Lorensius W. L. T
* "Android Custom Tabs" by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
* "Jazzy ViewPager" by Jeremy Feinstein
* "Android-flip" by OpenAphid-Engine
* "Android Lock Pattern" by Hai Bison
* "Swipe-To-Dismiss" by Roman Nurik
* "Android-Validator" by Benjamin Besse
* "Universal-Image-Loader" by Gökhan Akkurt
* "PinEntry" by webile-android
* "UrlImageViewHelper" by Koushik Dutta
* "ParallaxScrollView" by Christopher Jenkins
* "LazyList" by Fedor Vlasov
* "HoloCircularProgressBar" by passsy
* "TimesSquare" by Square
* "RoundedImage" by makeramen
* "IconicTextView" by Artur Termenji
* "AutoScaleTextView" by Andreas Krings
* "PinProgress" by Roman Nurik
* "Wheel widget" by Alessandro Crugnola
* "View Badger" by Jeff Gilfelt
* "PagerSlidingTabStrip" by Andreas Stütz
* "SlideMenu" by TangKe
* "Android-ProgressFragment" by Evgeny Shishkin
* "GlowPadView" by nadavfima
* "HoloColorPicker" by Lars Werkman
* "TabCarouselLib" by Andrew Neal
* "StickyListHeaders" by Emil Sjölander
* "AndroidSideMenu" by Dmitry Zaitsev
* "PhotoView" by Chris Banes
* "SlideExpandableListView" by Tjerk Wolterink
* "aFileChooser" by Paul Burke
* "PinnedSectionListView" by Sergej Shafarenka
* "PinnedHeaderListView" by mldeng
* "SugaredListAnimations" by cuub
* "JazzyListView" by Two Toasters
* "TwoWayGridView" by Jess Anders
* "AnyTextView" by Hans Petter Eide
* "Crouton" by Benjamin Weiss
- "RoboDemo" by stephanenicolas
- "PullToRefresh" by Chris Banes
- "Android Form EditText" by Andrea Baccega
- "Hansel and Gretel" by Jake Wharton
- "NumericPageIndicator" by Manuel Peinado
- "RichEditText" by Mark Murphy
- "RefreshActionItem" by Manuel Peinado
- "colorPicker" by biboune
- "HoloGraphLibrary" by Daniel Nadeau
- "MessageBar" by Simon Vig
- "Square-ProgressBar" by Ted Halcyon
- "Showcase View" (Utils) by mhama.
- "Progress Wheel" by Todd Davies
- "colorPicker" by Daniel Nilsson
- "StyledDialogs for Android" by Inmite s.r.o.
- "FadingActionBar" by Manuel Peinado
- "PinterestListView" by oasis2008
- "PanesLibrary" by Mapsaurus
- "ATableView" by Diego Acosta
- "Satellite Menu" by Siyamed SINIR
- "GlassActionBar" (ActionBar) by Manuel Peinado
- "xButton" (Widgets) by WenDong
... and more