App info:As the world’s largest hotel search, trivago compares over 900,000 deals from more than 250 booking sites daily on our mission to be and remain the travellers’ first and independent source for finding the ideal hotel at the lowest rates.No matter where in the world you are looking, trivago is yo... Read More >
No matter where in the world you are looking, trivago is your partner in locating an optimal home away from home, no matter your budget, even at the very last minute.
Get it now, get it on the go – download our app for free today.
Top Price:
- Cheapest deals filtered out every time
- Our database is constantly updating itself – great last-minute deals and discounts found in the search results
- We compare several prices for the same room to find you the cheapest one to fit your budget and get you the best value for your money
Top Filtering Options:
- Our online comparison finds exactly what you’re looking for, no matter when you travel, where you travel, what your itinerary is or how your budget stands
- Filter by price - set the maximum price you want to pay and we will locate the best hotel for this value
- Search by location – compare accommodation in whatever part of the world you need to book, and we will show you the best choices in our extensive comparison
- Filter by POI and attractions - find the best location in proximity to what you want to see. Perfect for setting your travel itinerary
- Filter accommodation immediately for Wifi, pool, beach, spa and design
Top Clarity:
- The trivago Rating Index (tRI) is a fair and accurate rating score which is actually an aggregation of all available rating scores on the web
- An integrated map function takes you directly to the door, no matter where you are travelling from
Top Interface:
- The sleek, simple design makes booking on the go a fun and easy experience
Top Brand:
- Voted as one of The Guardian’s “10 best money-saving apps”
- Ranked on as one of the “best money-saving apps”
Hotel? trivago!