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IPVanish VPN APK Latest Download

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(3.383730173111/5 average rating on Google Play by 3737 users) Last Updated: Sep-29-2017

You are here to download IPVanish VPN apk latest version file for android 4.0.3 and up. IPVanish VPN is a free and useful Communication Apps. Download APK & Install It (9.27 mb) >> or Choose Another Mirror >>

Online privacy is hard to maintain, especially on the go, but IPVanish makes it easy. We mask your IP address with one of our own so that you can avoid local censorship, online advertisers, and identity theft.------Keeping your personal data out of the hands of others is effortless with IPVanish. Our VPN app works as a tunnel that allows you to securely surf the web, all while keeping third party...

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Please be informed that Apk-FreeDownload.com only share the original and free apk installer for IPVanish VPN v3.1.0.2840 WITHOUT ANY cheat, crack, unlimited gold patch or any other modifications. All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright, please contact us. IPVanish VPN is the property and trademark from the developer , all rights

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What's New in IPVanish VPN v3.1.0.2840

* The IPVanish team loves Oreos, not bugs. Android Oreo bugs have been squashed.
* Fastest server algorithm has undergone a redesign.
* You will now see a message if the server list filters return no results.
* The widget should now correctly display the on/off connection state.
* Your bits move at the speed of light so should our UI. We have fixed a delay in showing the correct location and connection stats.
* Minor bug fixes

IPVanish VPN APK Version History (Old Versions)