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My Prayer wear APK 1.6.1 Latest Download

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(4.48/5 average rating on Google Play by 732 users) Last Updated: Dec-28-2015

You are here to download My Prayer wear 1.6.1 apk latest version file for android 4.3 and up . My Prayer wear is a free and useful Travel & Local Apps. Download APK & Install It (3.11 mb) >> or Choose Another Mirror >>

My Prayer wear is only for smartwatches running Android Wear. It needs My Prayer app version 2.1 or above on the device to work, and is compatible with Android 4.3 or above.To install My Prayer: Instructions:1- My Prayer app must be installed on the phone to use the smartwatch app.2- When running the watch app for the first time, you...

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Please be informed that only share the original and free apk installer for My Prayer wear v1.6.1 WITHOUT ANY cheat, crack, unlimited gold patch or any other modifications. All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright, please contact us. My Prayer wear is the property and trademark from the developer , all rights

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What's New in My Prayer wear v1.6.1

Version 1.6:
1- Added support for interactive watchfaces when touching prayer time or remaining time circles.
2- Added compatibility with the new calculation method in My Prayer.

Version 1.5.5:
1- Improvements in the watch faces and the app.
2- Receiving setting changes from My Prayer in the watch face without opening the app.
3- Adding an option in watch faces to switch between white theme by day to black at night automatically.
4- Supporting Ambient Mode.

My Prayer wear APK Version History (Old Versions)