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Vector APK 1.1.0 Latest Download

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Varies with device . Vector is a free and fun Arcade Games. Download APK & Install It () >> or Choose Another Mirror >>

Vector is an exciting, arcade-style game featuring you as the exceptional free runner who won’t be held down by the system. The game opens with a view into a totalitarian world where freedom and individually is nothing more than a distant dream. But the heart of a freerunner is strong, and you soon break free. Run, vault, slide and climb using extraordinary techniques based on the urban ninja...

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Please be informed that only share the original and free apk installer for Vector v1.1.0 WITHOUT ANY cheat, crack, unlimited gold patch or any other modifications. All the apps & games here are for home or personal use only. If any apk download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Vector is the property and trademark from the developer , all rights

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What's New in Vector v1.1.0

+1 Construction track
+8 Techopark tracks

Fixed crash when purchasing
Fixed inability to restore Deluxe version after deleting the application

Vector APK Version History (Old Versions)